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Scholastic Programme at Jain Public School

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. “ – John Dewey

The years of schooling at Jain Public School are designed in adherence to the requirements outlined by CBSE. The diverse and specialised curriculum framed at Jain public school helps the child to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.

The curriculum is regularly updated to stimulate students’ interests and gain the knowledge they need to compete in the fast-changing 21st century global world. Engaging learning programs that cater to individual differences and learning styles are devised and delivered by our skilled, talented and dedicated team. Innovative techniques, rich resources, proven instructional strategies and engaging programs are used to promote student learning and to develop a curious, enquiring and discriminating mind, in each of our Jainite.

The Primary Years – Grades 1 to 5

Primary school is a time of multidimensional learning. We begin to introduce the students progressively to the world of integrated knowledge, while particularly strengthening their aptitude in the core studies of English, Mathematics, General Science and Social Science.

A wide range of classroom activities are used as stimuli for reading and writing. Appreciating the fact that computer literacy is essential in the modern world, our students are introduced to computers from Grade 1 to sharpen their analytical skills. Children also start using the Math Lab from Grade 1. We encourage students in the primary section to do various projects in Environmental Studies appreciating the cultural diversity, History and Geography of our planet.

Physical training classes are conducted to develop their agility and fitness. Art and music classes create an awareness and appreciation of these creative forms.

Establishing worthwhile work habits, persistence, independence, time management, and an appreciation for value of learning by oneself begins early in the schooling process at JPS.